Computational designer, Visualizer

I am a computational designer and visualizer, I am convinced that design is a powerful communication tool. I enjoy exploring new forms and ideas, and sharing them with teams or clients to inspire collaboration.

With expertise in computational design and visualization-including 3D modeling, rendering, and animation- my work helps clarify and unify ideas in collaborative environments.

My focus is on turning digital designs into tangible outcomes and visualizing it to facilitate clear communication. Over time, I aim to bridge the gap between concept and fabrication, enhancing the production process.


List of Projects


Projected Dice / VR Simulation

Displacement Application

GwangYang Sun Bridge

Exposed Plasticity

Identiscentory -Olfactory

Identiscentory -Sonic

Iconic Light Project 01

Iconic Light Project 02

Projected Dice

An installation that designs an Actual Display  module, physically rendering pixelated images using brightness data sampled from UV coordinates.

Each module consists of a motor-driven scrolling film placed over a LED panel. The film featuring a series of holes, numbered 0 to 9, which allows to increase LED’s exposure. As a given image is sampled, the brightness values from the UV coordinates are trasnlated into numeric data controlling amount of film scrolls that adjusting exposure of the lights. The image is display by modulating the brightness of each pixel based on the sampled data. 

Conceptual Project /
Installation, Parametric, Display, Interaction 

VR Simulation

VR simulation in Unreal Engine space. An interactive scene for validating an image translation pipeline to control physical display. A selected image is sampled brightness based on the UV coordinates, converting the data into motor rotation input replicating the process of winding film.

Simulation /

Interaction, Simulation, Mockup, VR